22 February 2015

Saving gorillas and the DRC in one fell swoop

Al Jazeera

"The best solution, effective for everyone, is to recolonise these countries."
Such is the proposal of one Julien Lechenault, an ex-field operations supervisor for the British oil and gas company SOCO International in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The "countries" in question are former European colonial possessions in Africa, among them the DRC, which was brutally administered by Belgium until its independence in 1960.
According to Lechenault, the Africans are "not able to manage themselves" and are instead "like children".
These and other endearing comments are featured in the Oscar-nominated documentary film "Virunga", which details the plight of the eponymous Congolese park - the oldest national park in Africa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and home to the bulk of the world's remaining mountain gorillas. READ MORE AT AL JAZEERA.