15 February 2022

Elon Musk is a security risk

 Al Jazeera English

Once upon a time, the world’s richest person – Elon Musk, the megalomaniacal CEO of rocket company SpaceX and the officially self-branded “Technoking” of Tesla – endeavoured to bribe 19-year-old Florida college freshman Jack Sweeney with $5,000 to cease operation of the Twitter account @ElonJet, which tracks Musk’s private jet using publicly available data.

The offer was no doubt generous coming from an individual with a private aeroplane and a net worth of some $276bn. The Twitter account provides such updates as “Took off from Kahului, Hawaii, US” and “Landed in Austin, Texas, US. Apx. flt. time 2 Hours : 19 Mins”. Sweeney also tracks the private aircraft of other members of the earth’s ruling class, including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

It does not inspire enormous confidence, of course, that the man who has determined to colonise Mars has to resort to bribing teenagers to sort things out on Twitter. READ MORE AT AL JAZEERA ENGLISH.